Paul University Library was established on 30th November, 2009 to support and facilitate the teaching, learning, research and recreational activities of the University Community. The library inherited the collection of the former St. Paul’s College, Awka, which is expanding and broadening as the College Library transforms into a University Library, balancing Sciences with earlier emphasis on the Arts, Social and Management Sciences.
The library collection is growing in leaps and bounds. The University Library from time to time receives materials in form of gifts and donations from philanthropists/donors. Currently, the library has about 24, 800 books and 5,500 periodicals/journals in its stock.

The E-library is the section of the library in which collections are stored in electronic media formats (as opposed to print, or other media) and accessible through computers. The electronic contents may be stored locally or accessed remotely. It coordinates the functionality of systems and library network. It houses CD-ROMs which are arranged into their component disciplines, downloads and prepares journals for binding, managing the e-books and e-journals of the library, working on developing Institutional Digitized Repository for the University and generating a comprehensive list of the books in the library. Recently, the University Management added about Seventy (70) laptop systems to the e-library, all to be linked up to the internet to improve the access strength of the users.
Supporting the Library
In the vanguard of new developments, Paul University Library has been amassing extraordinary collections through both legal deposit and generous benefaction.
Though young, Paul University Library is growing remarkably, to become an important repository of the recorded word – in media over the years. It offers unrivalled access to its vast collections. As a research and teaching library, it sits at the heart of academic life at Awka.
Major opportunities exist to develop the Library’s Collections, its Places, its People, its many innovative and exciting projects and to facilitate its evolution into a combined print and e-library. Basically, the library welcomes support for the purchase of significant additions to its collections.
Support for Paul University Library today will have an enduring impact, and will resonate far beyond the boundaries of academe.